We are try to figure out a way to use our suppliers inventory availability on our Shopsite website. The end goal is to,
1. More accurately show whether the item is indeed in stock
2. Provide more accurate times in transit to our customers
3. Provide more shipping options to our customers.
To start with, none of our suppliers can provide us with a real time inventory access. What we can obtain is essentially a excel file containing the part number for each item and the associated inventory count in each warehouse the supplier has. The count is only accurate at the moment we download it. But its better than nothing.
We can create extra fields in the product database for each item. And than we could populate these fields with the inventory count for each warehouse. Perhaps by downloading the products database, matching up our part number to the suppliers part number. Mapping the inventory count to the extra fields that we have created. Then uploading the products database.
At this point, we have the inventory count on a per warehouse basis in Shopsite.
So, can Shopsite or a custom program as mentioned under the developer resources be used to for example,
1. Check the extra fields that represent the warehouses to make sure the item is available. Then tie that in with the preexisting quantity on hand field. And then display populate another extra field that has been inserted in the products more information page with the message instock or out of stock?
2. When a shopper enters their zipcode in the zipcode field on the cart and clicks recalculate. Shopsite or a custom program would look at the customers zip and then check the zip for each warehouse. Id the warehouse with units instock thats closest to the customer and then provide the customer with times in transit and shipping costs from that warehouse?
We would be interested in hearing from anyone who has tried this as well as any developers who would consider this project. I can supply more information as needed.