by tfoy » Sat Jul 26, 2008 12:52 pm
I have not messed with Access a lot, but Excel does open Access database tables. You could use Excel to open the Database and save it to Tab Delimited Text File, then from ShopSite Admin area under utilities, Database, Upload you can upload products there.
If you update the products with new descriptions and such, just be sure to keep Sku's the same when uploading. New products will be added.
You will have to assign the products to pages and assign templates and such, but if you have rights to add fields to your access database or if you add the extra fields in Excel you can but all the details in there instead of in the shopsite area and save some time.
Best thing is to download the products database file from the Shopsite Admin area and open it up and see what fields are there and which ones would save you time filling in offline in a spreadsheet or access database.