Changing Fonts...

General ShopSite user discussion

Changing Fonts...

Postby Mitchel » Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:34 am


I'm using ShopSite9 Pro using the OrderAnywhere function so I believe I am not using any templates?

Anyway...what I would love to do is change the size of the fonts used in the Shopping Cart / Checkout Pages.

When I look at the source for the page I see this CSS Code but I'm not sure were to find the CSS page to edit it:


<style type="text/css">
/*** Cascading Style Sheet for ShopSite Classic Theme ***/
/*** Shopping Cart Screen ***/


Could someone please tell me how to do this?


Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:27 am

Postby Jim » Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:17 am

The style sheet is in the ShopSite template area. Generally the files in that area should not be modified because the might be overwritten by a future ShopSite upgrade. If you have a pro or manager store you should be able to copy the template from Merchandising > Custom Templates area of your store. You could then modify the style sheet. You would need to give it the same name or you would also need to modify the shopping cart template (5 places) and change the name of the include file for your style sheet.
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