General ShopSite user discussion


Postby directexchange » Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:07 am

My hos is Startlogic and I amd TRYING to use the ShopSite shopping cart. Well, the first page displays just fine with the exception of the shopping cart icon which is NOT o.k.

In addition when I click on the links for the pages, nothing comes up. I have chatted with 3 different tech support there to no avail. It is totally awful. Can anyone tell me what is going on?

The site is

Thanks in advance for any all information.
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:18 am

It looks like all of the page links and the shopping cart image are all going to URLs based on, but that image and your pages are actually at just

Your host will have to resolve this by creating and installing a replacement ShopSite license file for your store that uses the URL of just instead of the current URL that is in the license,

After they do this, you will need you go to your ShopSite's Images menu and Reset All Attributes, then go to Utilities -> Publish and regenerate the store pages so that the links and image URLs will be updated with the new URL from the license file.

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minicart not working under startlogic Host

Postby CRae » Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:36 am

The startlogic tech support is awful! I have had many problems with no solutions.

I am using Shopsite Pro. The most recent is that the minicart does not display. It displays when I'm in my shopsite manager and 'preview', but when I directly go to my website and order an item -- the minicart items do not display -- it just shows 'your shopping cart'.

I am using the gradient theme template.


All that I get back from startlogic is "our server is not compatible with the minicart" -- I have gotten this response back 3 times... when I have emailed them 3 different questions asking specially 'WHY' their server does not support it. VERY frustrating!

I'm guessing the problem in the URLs not matching... I am not sure how to check that.
my store is

Any help would be appreciated!!!

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Postby Jim » Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:58 am

The minicart requires the use of cookies in the shopper's browser to carry data between the shopping cart and store pages. One security feature of cookies is that they can only be read by the same domain that creates the cookies. Since your store pages are at the domain and your shopping cart is at the domain the cookie set by the shopping cart can't be read by the minicart code.

In order for the minicart to work startlogic would need to set it up so your first shopping cart screen would be at I'm not sure if they are able to do that but it might be worth contacting them and see if they can somehow change the install to use that domain for the shopping cart urls.
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startlogic and minicart

Postby CRae » Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:27 am

Thanks for your quick response!!! I'll try contacting startlogic AGAIN. I'll post back after I get a response from them.
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minicart does not work on startlogic web host

Postby CRae » Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:18 am

The technician at Startlogic (web hosting) told me that shopsite is working in a shared environment on their server and they cannot and will not change the configuration so that the minicart will work for my domain.

Thus, to let everyone know if they are thinking of using startlogic web hosting...the minicart feature WILL NOT work. This is very frustrating!

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