Hi guys,
I just recently registered with a new hosting site that came with shopsite and I am trying to set up a ecommerce website. My problem is I have my template created on website design software and I find the shopsite templates to be very limiting. The only way I could incorporate shopshite into my webpage is thru the "order anywhere" button for each item which then directs customers to the shopping cart and shopsite checkout page. (I am only using these two pages from shopsite.) I am not publishing my store because I wanted to use my own design. I will be promoting my "main" website with shopsite item links. However my concerns are if I'm not utilizing the shopsite pages will this jeopardize my Google search results? I sell many designer beauty products so its not just items that fit into one category.
Also I am currently using Shopsite 8.3 (manager pro)and I cannot find the inventory control options. I've searched the forums and followed the instructions:
Product>Poweredit> (NO inventory control button!!)
Any help you guys can give me will be much appreciated!