What is the name of the code used in shopsite

General ShopSite user discussion

What is the name of the code used in shopsite

Postby rhurd » Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:23 am

Whant is the name of the code used in shopsite and is there a book that is easy to learn that someone can recomend.
Richard E. Hurd
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 5:05 pm

Postby Jim » Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:12 am

The main code for ShopSite pages is html and there are many books available on that subject.

In ShopSite templates data from the stores pages, product, text fields, etc, is represented by special tags that have the format [-- some shopsite field value --] . When a particular page is generated by ShopSite it replaces the tags with the value from the appropriate field and renders the output as HTML.

I don't think there is a book that describes these tags but there is online help for each version of ShopSite describing the template tags that are available and how they would be used. If you go to Merchandising > Custom Templates in your store's backoffice and click on the red ? icon it will take you to the help screen for Custom templates and links from that screen will give you more information about how to use the templates and the associated tags. There are also a few example pages in the help that show how to create specific types of code using html and the tags.
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