The way the results are returned for all products that match a search term is like this:
Product 1
Link to page product 1 found on
Link to page product 1 found on
. . .
Product 2
Line to page product 2 found on
Link to page product 2 found on
Product 3
Link to page product 3 found on
Link to page product 3 found on
When you go into the
[-- LOOP SEARCH -- ] section of the template it will step through all the
products that match the search term using the above syntax, (Product- Associated links ) So it will output the first product with its links then the second product with its links etc.
The layout of the product itself is defined by the template assigned under Preferences > Search Settings > Search Layout >Product Template Override: so it can either be the normal product template an override template. If you want a box around your product you could put that in the search template or define it in the [-- LOOP SEARCH -- ] and do it in the section I indicated earlier
- Code: Select all
start your formatting for the product layout here
end your formatting for the product layout here
[-- ELSE --]
The format for the link is defined in the template set in Preferences > Search Settings > Search Layout >Link Template Override:
So a way of including everything in a box would be to setup a table before the LoopSearch section and end it after the [-- end_loop search --] YOu could then make a table row and table cell for each product and associated links that are found. I believe there have been other posts that show how to do a multi column search result. You could also look at some of the Shopsite provided templates that allow for multi column search results for code on how this is done.