Shippping Charges Flat Rate and UPS Rates

General ShopSite user discussion

Shippping Charges Flat Rate and UPS Rates

Postby rhurd » Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:25 pm

Is There a way to use a Flat rate on some parts and use the UPS Calculated rats on other part. I am running Shopsite Manager 8.3. My host Ipower does not have Ver. 9. The problem is I drop ship and some of my vendors use UPS and some use USPS. I just charged a customer $ 10.52 for 1 Lb. UPS. If I ship USPS with handling charge it would cost $ 2.50
Richard E. Hurd
Posts: 32
Joined: Thu May 29, 2008 5:05 pm

Postby Jim » Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:53 pm

There is no way to designate some products to ship by one method and others by another method.

If there are some that you know you would always ship one way you could exclude them from having shipping calculated and include the shipping cost in the price. This wouldn't give you realtime rates so you would have to update your price as the rates for that shipping carrier changed.
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