I've read some other threads concerning this issue, but I believe my problem is slightly different. I do have permission to the folder in the server. I did an ftp upload of approximately 11,000 images, About 9000 went through, and 2000 failed. Here's a portion of the log:
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\anImages\Z10Xsm.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 550 Z7Xsm.jpg: Permission denied
Error: Critical error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\anImages\Zantrex3sm.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,121,212,78,201,113).
Command: STOR Z10Xsm.jpg
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,121,212,78,223,0).
Command: STOR Zantrex3sm.jpg
Response: 550 Z10Xsm.jpg: Permission denied
Error: Critical error
Status: Starting upload of C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\anImages\ZHSsm.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 550 Zantrex3sm.jpg: Permission denied
Error: Critical error
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (128,121,212,78,197,194).
Command: STOR ZHSsm.jpg
Response: 550 ZHSsm.jpg: Permission denied
Error: Critical error
I don't know why I would be getting a permission error on certain files, and not on others. I'm uploading to the same folder. Any help would be appreciated, mostly because it will save me the time of uploading 2000 files manually