Holiday mode?

General ShopSite user discussion

Holiday mode?

Postby shaoen01 » Sun May 11, 2008 5:17 am


I would like to find out if there is anyway to put my store on vacation or holiday mode? I am just afraid i might not be able to process orders as fast because i will not be able to access a computer at all times as i will be going on a holiday.

Maybe before the customer does a checkout, will i be able to put a note there to inform them that orders may not be processed that quick? Thanks
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Postby Jim » Mon May 12, 2008 6:21 am

There are a number of text fields for the shopping cart screens that allow you to enter text messages for the shopper. Look on the Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart (and Checkout, Confirmation, Thankyou) for fields like "Text at the top /Bottom of the Shopping Cart screen:" and use those screens to display a message.

You could also put a message on your main page or perhaps in the store Header or Footer and republish the store so it displayes on on all store pages.
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Postby shaoen01 » Tue May 13, 2008 5:56 am

Hi Jim,

I am just wondering the Checkout screen does not mean that the customer have purchased yet right? Or have they already purchased? Where do you think is the most appropriate place to input a note to my customers? Thanks
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Postby Jim » Tue May 13, 2008 6:40 am

The checkout screen is where the shopper enters their address and payment information, so no they have not completed the purchase at that point.

If you have a Pro level store you could put a required custom checkout field that would require them to indicate that they have read a statement that says the order will be delayed.

As for where the most appropriate place to put the message I can't really say. It would probably be best to put it a number of places since most people done read everything ;-). I would also include it in text that goes on the shopper receipt so they would have record of the message even if they do happen to place an order.
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Postby shaoen01 » Tue May 13, 2008 10:51 am

Hi Jim,

I have the Manager Version for Shopsite V7.1. Do i have such a function? I think putting the note in the receipt is a good idea. How do i put in the message in the receipt? I think i would also place it in the checkout page and perhaps the shopping cart page as well.
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Postby Jim » Tue May 13, 2008 12:24 pm

No, Manager does not have the custom checkout fields.

See my first post for where to add messages on the various shopping cart screens. As for the receipt that would be on Preferences > Store text > Receipts.
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