Please help!
Our store has been running fine for the last 2 years with NO problems and now all of a sudden, without making any changes to our site or its settings our customers are faced with the following error when they click the final confirm order button.
There was a problem processing your credit card information.
Please verify that the following were entered correctly:
Zip Code
Card number
Expiration Date
If you repeatedly see this message, complete your order by contacting the merchant directly.
Detailed Error message:
1: user authentication failed
What's happening here?
Our gateway is Global Payments Canada and we have a SSL certificate by Verisign and a web admin host who does not like to help, when it appears something is over this guys head! (thats another story in itself, that i won't bother you all with)
Global payments Canada says talk to Verisign, and I'll bet my left butt cheek that they tell me its Global payments Canada's issue.
has anyone had this particular error happen to them before.
Im just after a straight answer that I can give my boss
Please help if possible!
Thanks in advance!
A desperate, frustrated and confused Brit!