by loren_d_c » Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:09 pm
Are you using built-in page/product templates or do you have custom page/product templates?
If you have custom page and product templates, then this should be pretty easy to do with a special page template and either a special product template or slight modification to your existing custom product template.
If you are using some of the built-in page and product templates, then the only way I can think of to do this may be to look at the source of one of your pages and see if the particular product template you are using puts a class tag in the HTML for the product image, and if so, add some CSS to the Text 1 field of the special page you are creating to not display images in that class (so the HTML for the image would be on the page, but because of the CSS it would not actually be displayed by the browser). If the product template you are using doesn't automatically add a class to the image tag (or the td HTML element that contains the image tag), then you could add this yourself by editing the images via the Images -> Edit Images function and add your class in the 'Other attributes' section for each image.