I have used ShopSite for a few years now and this is the first time I have ever had an issue. The Free shipping Coupon simply doesn't work in the real world of commerce. I have spent hours on this: You configure countless items and supposedly when a certain cart $$ value is reached (of those configured pre-selected items ) it takes the shipping charges off. WRONG..
it doesn't work that way and I have argued with Tech Support till I'm blue in the face.. This is what my tech support told me:
The "minimum cart value" for a coupon applies to the entire cart, regardless if the items being purchased qualify for the coupon or not.
What good is that when you have to spend hours configuring items that qualify for the coupon. I think my upgrade to shop site 9.0 for this feature was a complete waste of $$.
An The coupon took shipping charges off items in the cart that weren't even configured on the coupon and I have the online orders to back this up. Someone at SHOP SITE tell me this is the way it is because I can't believe
what I'm being told...
That makes no sense at all ....
How can items that aren't configured with the coupon effect the cart when the coupon asks what items are used with the coupon????
Am I missing something here I sure would like to know..
Sorry for the rant but this doesn't make any sense to me at all???
Anyone at shop site have an answer for me??
So if this is the case than an enhancement NEEDS to be made:
An option for the min. cart value to also only apply to the selected products..without this if you have 1000's of items and some already have free shipping you cannot use the free shipping coupon....DUH?