Google Base requires sku field - that's what "ID"

General ShopSite user discussion

Google Base requires sku field - that's what "ID"

Postby avalonwine » Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:41 am

Possible solution to google base email where they state they need " the Google Base attribute, ID" sent as part of the xml feed. See the complete email in forum topic below of March 28.

Exploring the google site and various forums, it appears they want a product sku for each item sent as the ID field.

I'm assuming that Shopsite 9 does not include the sku field in the xml feed they create for customers in the back office and send to google.

I spoke with Guy at shopsite and he was very helpful. he suggests that I create a new field, using the extra product fields available in the back office of Pro, populate it with the sku data, and send that field (as well as what shopsite already sends in the shopsite feed) to google.

I asked him if he'd suggest to the development team that they add the sku field (calling it ID) to the feed items they now send. Looking at the configure page for googlebase (merchandising/google services/product search/configure), it looks like the following fields are submitted:

product url
product type

Adding an ID field that picks up the sku data would be an ideal solution for all of us, I'd think. I'll go through the process of adding an extra field, naming it "ID" populating it with my skus, and adding it to the xml feed that shopsite sends, but it might be easier for all if shopsite could provide the fix, adding the ID field to the configure page and field map.

I've used Shopsite for almost ten years now. It's the best.

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