Re-ordering the country list

General ShopSite user discussion

Re-ordering the country list

Postby dlundell » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:40 pm


I recently change the 'United Kingdom' text in the country list
to 'Great Britain', so that it would properly match in
(it's a pain when it doen't).

The problem is that the country list is ordered according to the
country list as it shows in Shopsite -- which means that
Great Britain is sitting in the list where United Kingdom
should be. International customers probably find it most
of the time, but it's odd to have it out of order.

I assume there's no way to re-order them. It sure would be
nice to be able to do so.

Another re-ordering that would be very useful: to move
United States to the top of the list, so that the large
majority of our customers wouldn't have to scroll
way down the list.


- dc
Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:47 am

You can re-order them in the countries.dat file in the ShopSite backoffice cgi directory (the directory that contains the start.cgi file and other admin cgi's). Note that each upgrade will probably overwrite this file, and the new data in the new countries.dat might have additional data or format changes, so after each upgrade you would have to re-order it again.

As far as putting the United States option to the top, you shouldn't have to do this, there is a setting in Commerce Setup -> State and Country for the 'Default Selected Country'. If the 'large majority' of your shoppers are US shoppers, then set this to United States (note that this is the default, so it may already be set to this). Also note that if you have been testing the cart and have selected other countries, then the cart will remember the last country you selected. Try clearing your cookies then add an item to the cart to see it as a brand new shopper would so that you can what is defaulted in the country list.

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Postby dlundell » Wed Mar 19, 2008 11:20 am

loren_d_c wrote:You can re-order them in the countries.dat file in the ShopSite backoffice cgi directory (the directory that contains the start.cgi file and other admin cgi's). Note that each upgrade will probably overwrite this file, and the new data in the new countries.dat might have additional data or format changes, so after each upgrade you would have to re-order it again.

As far as putting the United States option to the top, you shouldn't have to do this, there is a setting in Commerce Setup -> State and Country for the 'Default Selected Country'. If the 'large majority' of your shoppers are US shoppers, then set this to United States (note that this is the default, so it may already be set to this). Also note that if you have been testing the cart and have selected other countries, then the cart will remember the last country you selected. Try clearing your cookies then add an item to the cart to see it as a brand new shopper would so that you can what is defaulted in the country list.


Thanks very much Loren.

- dc
Posts: 95
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 6:13 pm

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