There are 2 custom template tags that can be used for displaying inventory on the store pages.
[-- ProductInventoryPopUp {link name} --] Create a link that will make a pop-up window displaying the Quantity On Hand, where link name is the text for the link.
[-- ProductInventoryActual path_to_shopping_cart_cgi {description text} --] Display current Quantity On Hand on the page using Server Side Includes (SSI), where description text appears before the number.
You can find a little more info about these tags on: ... oduct.html
under the section "Inventory Tracking"
The first tag displays a link that the shopper can click on and view the current inventory. This can be used on any ShopSite generated page.
The second displays the actual inventory quantity on the page BUT it requires that server side includes are allowed and setup on your server. You will need to contact your host to see if this is allowed and setup on your store.