SSL Part II at Verio

General ShopSite user discussion

SSL Part II at Verio

Postby danmekled » Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:54 am

When the customer hits enters into the checkout page, the browser complains about unsecure images. If the choice is made to NOT display unsecure images, the resulting page is NOT missing any graphics. On a second approach, all graphics for the check out page were eliminated from the custom template such that the resulting checkout page contains NO Images whatsoever. Also, any javascript ".js" have been removed. The custom template is based of off one of Shopsite's templates and does contain javascript tag namely [-- SC_JAVASCRIPT extras --]. Could this be the culprit? I'm not sure what could be causing the problem given that all images have been elimated from the checkout page yet the browser is still complaining.

- DM
Posts: 4
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:04 pm

Postby CarolA » Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:16 pm

I'm using Verio, with a shared certificate, and a custom shopping cart template, with images, with no problems. We did have to do some tweaking of the url's in the Preferences -- Hosting Service page.

I do have [-- SC_JavaScript extras --] in my template for the checkout page, so I don't think that's your problem.

Here's some info from my hosting service page - maybe it will help:
Use SSL in Shopping Cart is checked
Shopping cart secure url:
Secure store url:
ShopSite Images secure url:

For my secure pages in my template, all image links are: ... gename.gif

If I can answer any questions, I'm happy to help. Post here, or send me a private message.
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Location: Utah

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