How do I create a coupon?

General ShopSite user discussion

How do I create a coupon?

Postby TheDigitalMan » Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:43 am


I am getting ready to exhibit at a tradeshow. I want to include a coupon code in my brochures that I will be giving out.

How do I create this coupon so that when they log onto my site and make a purchase they can enter their coupon code and get a fixed dollar discount?

I am a bit new at this and apologize if this question is elementary. I have looked and cannot find the place to create coupon entitys within Shopsite.

Thanks for your help in advance. It is most appreciated.

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Postby loren_d_c » Tue Feb 26, 2008 11:20 am

If you have ShopSite Pro, the place to create Coupons is in the Merchandising -> Coupons menu.

If you have ShopSite Starter or Manager then you do not have this feature and you should contact your ShopSite reseller to inquire about upgrading your product level to Pro.

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Postby TheDigitalMan » Wed Feb 27, 2008 2:44 am

Thanks! I looked at upgrading and it's $40 more per month. What other features would I get for that? Is it worth it? I guess worth is relative. Obviously it is worth it if you REALLY want to offer coupons. My need to offer coupons is not real high. It would be a nice touch. I'm just wondering what other features I would get. I guess I could look that up on the Shop Site website.

Thanks again for the reply. Now I know why I couldn't find the place to create them.

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Location: North Georgia

Postby Jim » Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:42 am

There are lots of features in Pro that are not in manager. You can find a feature comparison list at:

A few that I can think of are Rewards, Tell-a-Friend, Customer Registration, Global Power edit, Custom page and product fields. etc.

I personally think it would be worth the additional cost but it really depends on what you are selling, how busy your store is and how aggressively you intend to pursue your business.
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