CGI Error During Check Out

General ShopSite user discussion

CGI Error During Check Out

Postby royhink » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:47 pm

I am getting a cgi error page after my customer enters their credit card information that says:

CGI Error
The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

The sale cannot be completed. Any thoughts?

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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:30 pm

1) If you are using a custom shopping cart template, try switching back to one of the default shopping cart templates (in Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Layout Info) and see if that resolves it. If it does, then there is something wrong with your custom template.

2) If you are using an Order API script, try disabling it (remove the script name from the Custom CGI Location field in Merchandising -> Order API) and see if that helps. If it does, then there is a problem with your custom Order API script.

3) If you are using a real-time payment gateway (such as, Payflow Pro, LinkPoint, PayPal Pro direct api, etc), then try switching your store to 'manual' processing (in Commerce Setup -> Payment) and see if that resolves the problem. If it does, then either your payment gateway has a problem, or your settings for your payment gateway are incorrect in some bad way.

4) If your ShopSite is not the latest version (v9.0.2), or not at least the latest maintenance release of whatever version you have (i.e. v8.3.1 for the v8x line, or v7.1.4.1 for the v7x line), then your should upgrade.

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Postby royhink » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:04 pm

Hi Loren,

I started with When I set it to manual, the shopping cart completed the transaction, but, of course, did not send anything to

Now, they say that the error message was not generated by them.

Does the store need to be regenerated after changing these settings?

in the meantime, I'm triple checking my settings.

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Postby Jim » Thu Dec 20, 2007 5:47 pm

The store does not need to be regenerated after changing settings for the shopping cart screens.
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Postby royhink » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:10 pm

I believe the culprit is my smtp server settings.

When I tried to send the keys to the downloadable products I purchased as a test, I got an smtp host error.

My IT guys were trying to fix our ftp site, and uninstalled a service pack this afternoon. I'm checking to see if anything has changed.

I don't know where the error message is generated from, but it would be nice to have more information than just "The specified CGI application misbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers. " Is this cryptic message a gift from Microsoft?

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Postby Jim » Thu Dec 20, 2007 6:24 pm

That is a typical webserver error message meaning "Something went wrong and your guess is is as good as mine" ;-) not specific to Windows though since Linux and other Unix type systems would give a similar one.

There is a cgi shipped with ShopSite that can help you test mail problems. If you replace the "start.cgi" in your login url with "diagnose.cgi" you will find a diagnostic dump of information about your store. On that screen there is a email test section that you can use to send a test message similar to how ShopSite does it. I will give some error messages that may help pinpoint the mail issue.
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Postby royhink » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:20 am

I'm getting closer.....

The setting for the outgoing smtp server somehow was changed. On the host page, it looks like it is hard coded somewhere during the install.

Can you direct me to the correct file that indicates the outgoing smtp server?


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Postby Jim » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:28 am

It will be in a file called <storeid>.aa in the shopsite cgi directory. In Linux and other Unix type systems this would be in the directory typically named ss but might be bo. In windows it would be in the directory typically named sc. Note that the <storeid> part of the name is the login name you use to sign in to your store.

If you happen to be at a host that has a separate login to a control panel (Bizland, Endurance international etc) instead of logging in directly to ShopSite you would need to have them make the change in what ever location they put the file.
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Postby royhink » Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:58 am

Well, I'm surprised.

I've modified the .aa file and still get an error

Unable to open a socket connection to the SMTP host: []
Could not resolve remote host name; Socket error code: 11004

Any thoughts?
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Postby loren_d_c » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:31 am

Could not resolve remote host name

My bet would be a DNS/nameserver issue on your server. Note that you can specify an IP address instead of a hostname in the smtp_host setting.

Also note that ShopSite does not do SMTP authentication (login), so if your SMTP host requires authentication before it will accept the mail for sending, then it will not work with ShopSite. So it generally works best with local SMTP servers that are configured to only relay mail from local hosts without authentication.

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I checked all the steps you mentioned but I didn,t work

Postby napforce » Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:31 am

Can someone help me I having this error, I tried these four steps and still has this error (I have tried in both enviroments live server and sandbox) .
This is what I have in smtp_host: mail-fwd
I am using paypal web pro
1. It's not a custom template
2. It's not an Order API
3. I change to manual and it didn't work
4. The version I am using is 9.0.4

Thanks in advance

loren_d_c wrote:1) If you are using a custom shopping cart template, try switching back to one of the default shopping cart templates (in Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Layout Info) and see if that resolves it. If it does, then there is something wrong with your custom template.

2) If you are using an Order API script, try disabling it (remove the script name from the Custom CGI Location field in Merchandising -> Order API) and see if that helps. If it does, then there is a problem with your custom Order API script.

3) If you are using a real-time payment gateway (such as, Payflow Pro, LinkPoint, PayPal Pro direct api, etc), then try switching your store to 'manual' processing (in Commerce Setup -> Payment) and see if that resolves the problem. If it does, then either your payment gateway has a problem, or your settings for your payment gateway are incorrect in some bad way.

4) If your ShopSite is not the latest version (v9.0.2), or not at least the latest maintenance release of whatever version you have (i.e. v8.3.1 for the v8x line, or v7.1.4.1 for the v7x line), then your should upgrade.

Joe :)
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Re: problem solved, but question...

Postby napforce » Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:52 pm

I found the problem it was cause by fedex shipping setting I just set to not shipping carriers. But my question is how can I use paypal and fedex integration?

napforce wrote:Can someone help me I having this error, I tried these four steps and still has this error (I have tried in both enviroments live server and sandbox) .
This is what I have in smtp_host: mail-fwd
I am using paypal web pro
1. It's not a custom template
2. It's not an Order API
3. I change to manual and it didn't work
4. The version I am using is 9.0.4

Thanks in advance
Joe :)
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