Orders coming in minutes/hours after paypal payments

General ShopSite user discussion

Orders coming in minutes/hours after paypal payments

Postby mtgotraders » Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:24 am

Is anyone else with shopsite experiencing this problem? I've had a heck of a time lately with orders coming in way later than the paypal payments and I have to deliver my orders the second they are paid for and its' causing me a lot of stress and frustrating my customers. Two weeks ago I had 15 annoyed customers backed up who had all paid for their orders but had not received a receipt and I had not received their orders yet. Paypal does claim it is their fault but i'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this problem. It seems I just have the worst luck when it comes to these things and if it can break it usually happens to me.
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Location: wilmington, nc

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