General ShopSite user discussion


Postby Yesmin » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:11 am

Can I use any php or asp file (without html file) in my site?
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:01 am

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:23 am

If you are asking if you can use PHP or ASP in general on your site, then that is a question you should ask your hosting provider.

If you are asking if ShopSite can create it's pages with a .php or .asp extension in them so that you can put your PHP or ASP code in it, then the answer is yes. You can assign the page filenames with .php or .asp extensions in Advanced Editing mode on the Edit Page Content menu. In the Advanced Info section of this menu you will find the 'File name' setting where you can assign a specific filename to the ShopSite-generated page. Of course you would still need to find out from your host if PHP and ASP are even supported on your server.

Note that you can't include PHP or ASP code in the shopping cart screens or the search results screens, because these are generated by the ShopSite cgi's which your webserver will not parse for your PHP or ASP code.

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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
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