Help me setup SSL

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Help me setup SSL

Postby Britain » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:00 am

I need some help setting up my SSL to prevent from getting errors when users go through the shopping cart. I am not using the shopsite store, I am using the orderanywhere buttons and integrating into the current site.

1st Issue:
For simplicity, I have choosen a default shopping cart template. I am able to add products to the shopping cart without issue. However, when you chose to "checkout" the error that I get is:


My SSL settings are as follows:

These were the default settings, any suggestions on things to try?

2nd Issue:
I have created a custom shopping cart template and set it up to use it. However, along with the error above I get 2 of these message screens:


I know that it is due to the content that I added to the shopping cart and I have read about a media folder that I am supposed to put all the images in on the server. My question is if this is the only way to do it (copy all the images to the media folder and changed the URL's) or is there an easier way to link it to the current folders since all of this content is shared with the rest of the site?

If you chose No to not allow unsecure info:

If you chose Yes to allow unsecure content:

Thanks for you help,
Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:38 am

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:16 am

As far as the ShopSite settings go, loks like you are missing the 'Secure Store URL' setting. Based on your other SSL URLs, my guess would be that the URL that goes in this setting should probably be:

However, based on the screenshot of your checkout screen, this probably isn't your biggest problem. It looks like the issue is with your own custom images that you have included at the top of the checkout screen. Because the checkout screen is secure, all content items on that page must also be secure, including images, flash files, .js and .css file includes, etc. So you probably need to go to the Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Checkout menu and for all of the image URLs in your custom HTML that you have added in the 'Text at the top of the Shipping screen' and 'Text at the bottom
of the Shipping screen' fields use https:// at the beginning of the image src URL instead of just http://.

So for example:

Change it to:

Or since the secure domain name is the same as the regular domain name, you could use a relative URL (relative to the root of the site because it starts with a /) like this:


And that would work on both secure and non-secure pages because to protocol (secure https or regular http) will be used to request this image depending on what is used on the page that includes this image.

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Postby Britain » Mon Aug 27, 2007 11:58 am

Alright, I was able to correct issue #2 by changing all my image links to https as per the suggestions above.

However, I am still dealing with issue #1 and it is now occuring for every image that is loaded on both the shopping cart and billing pages. Any suggestions?

Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:38 am

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:22 pm

You haven't purchased your own secure certificate for your domain name, yet you are trying to use your own domain name in the secure URLs. SSL certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities for specific domain names. If you try to use them with some other domain name, the browsers will give this warning. The secure certificate currently on your server is a shared one using your one of your hosts' domain names. So you need to either:

1) purchase a secure certificate for your own domain name (your host should be able to help you with this) or

2) find out from your host what the equivalent secure URLs using their shared domain name you should use in place of the secure URLs you currently have.

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