Custom Templates Billing Page Security Issue

General ShopSite user discussion

Custom Templates Billing Page Security Issue

Postby Britain » Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:08 pm

I am a new user to shopsite and have been learning at a fast pace the last few days. I am incorporating the shopsite into an existing website using OrderAnywhere tags, etc. and haven't had much issue.

However, I am having trouble with the site security for the billing page in the shopping cart/checkout procedure. If I use one of the standard template for the shopping cart, I have no issues. When I copy the standard template without making any changes, give it a unique name, and set it to be used in the commerce section I get certificate errors when I get to the billing page on the checkout procedure.

I have noticed that the standard templates are located in:

However, the template that I copied using the Merchandising Tools/Custom Templates was placed in:

What can I do to help this issue?

Posts: 11
Joined: Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:38 am

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 27, 2007 9:44 am

If that is an exact copy of the original template and you haven't changed any other settings, then I don't see how this could cause anything like this. There is very likely more to it. If you can recreate the error and provide a link to your a page with a product on that we could order, someone would probably be able to figure out what about the page causes a browser warning.

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