drop down menu issues and site critique

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drop down menu issues and site critique

Postby mws james » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:12 pm


We are finally coming towards our goal as far as our site design with ShopSite is concerned.

I would like some honest critiques from other shopsite users, and perhaps you can also help me to solve a problem that I believe is not related to shopsite.

For some reason, our 'Select A Brand' drop down menu in the right hand corner will ONLY function on a product page. The code is the same, so I cannot figure out what the variable is that is not allowing it to work on other pages. Anyone have any ideas?

Our store is:

Your help and input is greatly appreciated.
mws james
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:02 pm
Location: Chicago

Re: drop down menu issues and site critique

Postby JeremeD » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:49 pm


I think your site is looking good.

Your jump menu doesn't work because you don't have the javascript for it in your index page.

Is your analytics gathering stats correctly? The code that you have in the <head> section on the product pages looks like it may have had one of its' lines duplicated.

I noticed in your code that there are several empty field tags like this:

Code: Select all
<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- Empty field [MoreInformationMetaKeywords]  -->" />

You may consider surrounding your fields with IF checks so these don't show up in your generated pages. Like this:

Code: Select all
[-- IF Product.MoreInformationKeywords --]<meta name="keywords" content="[-- Product.MoreInformationKeywords --]" />[-- END_IF --]
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Postby mws james » Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:10 am


Thank you very much for your help,
your advice is greatly appreciated and being implimented.


Best regards,
mws james
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:02 pm
Location: Chicago

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