Merchant banking fees, shopping for new provider

General ShopSite user discussion

Merchant banking fees, shopping for new provider

Postby soopermark » Fri Jul 27, 2007 8:16 am


I have been with my current merchant bank for 8 years, processing about $500,000 per year in transactions averaging about $40. They have various fees and I've been sharpening my pencil lately, discovering that I've been getting overcharged.

I think I will switch merchant services providers, something of course I am not pleased about but I need to shop around. I have a stellar record with my current bank, for example about 2 chargebacks per year out of tens of thousands of transactions. The chargebacks even 2, are always just misunderstandings and no fraud. I deserve the best rate, at least in my opinion. What kind of rates do you all get, and what should I look out for in shopping around? Any particular banks you recommend are highly appreciated.
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:00 am

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