by ShopSite Lauren » Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:34 pm
There are a couple ways to get around this, however if you are using an online payment gateway for credit card processing, you may need to double check with the gateway to see which of these you can use.
* Make this a non-required field
If you are using manual processing, and many of your orders are international orders, then you can change this field from a required field to an optional field. You would change this by going to Commerce Setup > Order System > Checkout, and uncheck the 'required' checkbox for the state and providence field. Note, many online gateways, especially US gateways, require this field, so you may not be able to change it to optional.
* Add options to the pull down menu
You can edit the state and providence pull down menu. To do this, you would go to Commerce Setup > State and Country, and in the state and providence pull down menu, you can just type in a new option. You may want to have this new option be 'none' or 'not applicable'. This would still be a required field, so your US customers would need to select the state (or Canadian customers would select the providence), but would also give you international customers an option to select.
* Change the pull down to a text entry
This would accomplish the same thing as above. This would still be a required field, so your US and Canadian customers would still need to enter the state/providence; however since it is a text entry box, your international customers would be able to type in 'none' or 'n/a'.