Getting orders from Shopsite into MOM as seamlessly as possible
I’ve read through the documentation concerning getting orders from Shopsite. Downloading a file and formatting is pretty easy.
But what we are looking for is an automated way to get orders from Shopsite and up into our back end order processing system. Our back end order processing system happens to be Mail Order Manager by Dydacomp.
As a solution we considered the Import Module offered by Dydacomp and decided it wasn’t what we want. (Another company we know tried it and didn’t like it.)
I would assume that from all the businesses that use Shopsite, that some use Dydacomps MOM and have had a program written that seamlessly gets the orders from Shopsite into MOM. Or at least has them downloaded onto their desktop and formatted to a spec that MOM can import.
If any company has such as program, I would be interested in hearing from them.
From my research I see that Shopsite has:
1. Automatic XML Orders Download – The documentation states that a merchant supplied program can be used to automatically download a stores orders as an XML formatted text file.
The order download program must send a request to a Shopsite CGI Program (db_xml.cgi) and provide the merchants user id and password to start the download. To keep order information secure, the Shopsite CGI program should be invoked through a secure connection.
Has anyone written such a program?
2. The documentation also mentions an Order API. It states that you use this screen to configure Shopsite to run one or more CGI applications when the customers make purchases. The custom program could stuff the order information into another system in real time.
Once again, has anyone written such a program? If not, would someone be interested in writing it?