Customizable Google AdSense Fields In Current Theme

General ShopSite user discussion

Customizable Google AdSense Fields In Current Theme

Postby sawdust » Mon Jul 09, 2007 1:17 am

Hi Ya'll ...I am looking for some help, I want to add areas in my sites where I can do Adsense, I would like to be able to map them to the recommended "Hot Areas" in Adsense help and make it global, to all pages.... Is anyone working or thinking about a template like that, an adsense friendly plugin sort of like they have for WP Blogs now? I am using the cross-sell theme...and so far, quick and dirty, just added adsense content to the universal header and adsense search to the uni-footer, and adsense search to text 3 on main page...but it would be real nice to have it highly visible in the warm areas on all pages, so they have a last resort option if the customer does not find exactly what they want, that might bring CT revenue. :)

ps: Is there a Custom Template CookBook out yet?

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