Very useful Shopsite feature works for me

General ShopSite user discussion

Very useful Shopsite feature works for me

Postby soopermark » Sat Jul 07, 2007 9:24 am


We use base-plus shipping and it works well. We keep the base low and we do not require a minimum order amount because a lot of customers order one small item for $6 or $8 then order again later. Unfortunately for us, with the newer increased shipping rates, we have been losing money on some small orders. Hard to figure out a formula that stops the red ink yet doesn't chase customers away. People can be so finicky about shipping charges! Every situation for ever merchant is different of course. One feature I found which works great is the

Go to:
Commerce Setup > Shipping
Handling Charges.
Check here to enable handling charges
Base $1
Turn off Handling Charge if this Subtotal reached: $12

This way, $1 is quietly added to the Base until the customer has ordered $12, then it goes back to the Base-Plus system without the surcharge. What a clever feature! I just noticed it as I was poking around looking for ways to overcome the dilemma of small orders and increasing shipping charge. Thanks for whoever requested and implemented this.
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:00 am

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