æ, ø and å not showing up correctly in products and pages...

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æ, ø and å not showing up correctly in products and pages...

Postby anxiouskittie » Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:34 pm


PLEASE help me out anyone? I will apprecciate this so much if it gets solved

I use æ, ø and å (letters) in my shop, as these are part of my language. These come with the keyboard, and I normally don't have a problem viewing them on other pages on the internet.

I am still having a problem with displaying æ, ø and å characters in both pages and products and more info pages. This varies. Sometimes when i edit products (just adding a little text, nothing more) it shows up as the letters æ, ø and å, but other times it will display as "Ã¥" or similar. And if I edit something that was displaying it right from before, sometimes it will all of a sudden show up as other weird characters.

I am so annoyed, I sat all evening editing most of my products description to displaying æ, ø and å because shopsite had edited these inside of shopsite backoffice also - and put in questionmarks instead of the actual letter! After I did this, and published, even more of the products was now displaying weird characters and questionmarks. I am so annoyed I dunno what to do! Lol

PLEASE I beg you to help me solve this, it's driving me freakin nuts :O

I've tried editing my page template and product template to use
UTF-8 in the charset tag, but this did not help, it actually messed things up even further.

I have no clue what to do, pleeeease help me anyone...

my site is here: piercingpiraten.com
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:39 am

Postby Jim » Thu Jun 21, 2007 12:06 pm

I just copied the title of your post
"æ, ø and å not showing up correctly in products and pages..."
and created a new product by that name and used that text in all text fields for the product including moreinfo page fields. I assigned the product to a page and publish the store and the correct values displayed on the page, moreinfo page. I then edited the product and verified that the text remained unchanged in all fields.

I then placed an order for that product and the correct text displayed on all shopping cart screens. (I also added the text to the comments and more information fields on the shopping cart screens). When viewing the order in the backoffice of the store the text appeared on the order screen and the View Packing slip screen.

I next downloaded the order as XML format and the characters displayed as their xml equilivent codes & aelig ;, & oslash ; and & aring ; (note in inserted spaces so the codes don't get converted back the characters in this post). I next downloaded the orders as text version and the characters appear as the correct characters.

So ShopSite is handling the characters correctly. It must be a browser or computer setting that is causing them to not display correctly for you.

When I go to your site I do see the characters æ ø and å on your pages. Since I don't read Norwegian I'm not sure where to look for errors in words.

Note that the above tests were done on the 8.3 version of ShopSite.
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Postby anxiouskittie » Thu Jun 21, 2007 1:54 pm

Oh, I see... Hm...

I am not sure which version I have, I will take a closer look.

You can see lots of errors (at least me and my sis can) here: http://www.piercingpiraten.com/allekits.html
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:39 am

Postby anxiouskittie » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:20 pm

And it shows the same in internet explorer as firefox to me here...

And iasked my host, powweb, to upgrade me to v. 8.3 (i have ver 8.1) but they said "we don't support that version". Ehh... where can i get a new and decent host?



well, i finally couldn't take it anymore, so i edited the ones showing weird characters to using ø etc instead, but it was a lot of work, and i have to keep doing it on every new product when the norwegian letters appear, which is often. but i'd like to have it working right anyways..

well, i contacted powweb, my host, and asked when they would upgrade to ver. 8.3. They said they didn't know. I asked what to expect, if it was days, weeks, months or a year. The answer i got was "it might take a day, a week a month or year".

Wow. Annoying. Yep. Le frustration.
Posts: 81
Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:39 am

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