Paypal Pro Integration

General ShopSite user discussion

Paypal Pro Integration

Postby psldesigns » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:35 pm

I'm trying to use the PayPal Pro API within shopsite. I have entered in all the configuration information. When I click checkout, it goes straight to a PayPal page instead of to my cart. I thought the benefit of Pro with API is that the customer goes to the shopsite shopping cart and PayPal is behind the scenes.

The site is On the Payment Setup page I have checked the PayPal Website Payments Pro, Google Checkout and for the credit card processing, PayPal Pro Direct Payment API. I am using a custom shopping cart template.

Any ideas why I'm not being directed to the shopsite cart?

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Postby loren_d_c » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:30 pm

PayPal Pro consists of 2 parts:

1) Direct Payment API
If you sign up for this service in your PayPal account and configure ShopSite to use it, this is what will process (behind the scenes, shoppers will never see the PayPal screens) credit cards, e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Discover.

2) Express Checkout
This method will still appear as a 'PayPal' option in the list of payment options in the cart, this is what you are choosing as a shopper and being sent to PayPal when you Checkout. Some of the advantages of this over the old PayPal Website Payments Standard are 1) fewer steps in the checkout process because you are sent directly to PayPal when you checkout instead of after filling out the ShopSite checkout page and 2) once you login to PayPal and select your payment method and shipping address you are send back to the ShopSite cart to finalize the order (with PayPal Standard the order is completed on PayPal and the shopper doesn't see your normal ShopSite thankyou page).

Note that in order to use the Direct API method you must apply and be accepted for this in your PayPal account, and you must have the credit card methods selected as forms of payment, because these are what will be processed through this form of PayPal.

Also, if you have Direct API enabled, according to your Direct API merchant agreement with PayPal you must also have the Express Checkout method in your store (I guess this is so shoppers can still see/use a PayPal-branded payment option). You can use Express Checkout without Direct API, but not Direct API without Express Checkout.

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Postby psldesigns » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:35 am

Thanks Loren.

I was missing checking the credit cards as a payment method so it was onlyl going to the paypal page. Now that I have selected them, I get the drop down.

Thanks again!
Posts: 116
Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:06 pm
Location: Michigan

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