We are new to Shopsite. We've played around with it for several weeks, setup three product lines and much of the back end such as payment, shipping, tax settings. So far so good.
We've also played around with copying and then altering the stock templates. This is one of our weak points, as we aren't designers by trade.
At this point we have a rudimentary store setup. The domain isnt point to the server yet.
Before starting to play around with Shopsite we did contact several design firms. They all came across as professional.
We have been quoted around $7000 for a complete site design. Although from our notes this included the setup of some of the backend which isnt needed now. (I got the feeling they assume you aren't well informed as to the workings of Shopsite.)
Before finally choosing a designer, we wanted to know whats the most efficient way in dealing with a design firm?
This is from the standpoint of giving them all the information to create the site cost effectively and within a reasonable period of time.
Here is the information we've been working on for our final presentation to the design firm we choose:
1. Create a mock up in Front page of how we would like the site to look. The mockup wouldn't include any of the shopsite tags.
2. Have a list of sites that use Shopsite and pick out the layout/design features we like. (Some of the sites are by the very design companies we are considering)
3. Make a list of features we want included on the various templates. Example, breadcrumb navigation, popup link for large images of products, etc..
4. Clearly indicate that certain elements of the templates must be editable as we will add more products and brands. For example, we want a left hand side product department directory. As we add more products, we would need to add more product categories.
Also, we would be curious as to what is a reasonable design time line for a complete site design to the point the site is ready to go live to the public?
PS: For a complete design we mean customization of the templates below.
A. Homepage template
B. Page template -
1. Product pages
2. More information page
C. Shopping cart templates -
1. Initial shopping cart screen
2. Bill and Shipping info screen
3. Confirmation screen
4. Thank you Screen
5. Email Receipt
D. Advance Feature Templates
1. Search
2. Tell a friend
3. Gift certificate
4. Customer registration
Also the creation of design elements that would span all templates such as top header/logo, left hand side directory and bottom footer.