XML XSLT Transformation to MC Access 2003 database.

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XML XSLT Transformation to MC Access 2003 database.

Postby stampedeproject » Wed Feb 07, 2007 12:11 pm

Does anyone have a XSLT transformation file already created for importing ShopSite's XML based order output file into MS Access 2003.

Currently a straight XML import yields all the tables and data but they are not linked or relatable to each other. My challange on the XML imports is that there is no primary key linking (such as order #) between the tables created in Access. Each table should carry over the Order Number and shopsite transaction ID.

MS Access 2003 and newer now support transformation files which can format the XML data files prior to importing.

My challange on the XML imports is that there is no primary key linking (such as order #) between the tables created in Access.

Before I start attempting to put this together though I shouldsee if anyone already thrown this together?

PS. I am not looking for an order manager so don't suggest one - that is not the solution to my question.
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Postby stampedeproject » Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:31 am

I figured it out.

I finally ended up writing the XML and Visual Basic code to import the Shopsite 8.1 Orders XML based file into MS Access 2003.

My import separates the orders file into one table with billing, shipping, and payment information, and another table with the product order data.

Basically you just download the XML order file to your hard drive, click one button and the script and transformation files handle the import then delete the downloaded files from the drive.

I have it working and importing orders for 2 stores, but you could use it for just one store.
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Postby oliver.dooley » Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:59 am

any chance of sharing the Visual Basic code?
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