Migration - Installation Error on New Server

General ShopSite user discussion

Migration - Installation Error on New Server

Postby spock9458 » Sun Nov 19, 2006 3:13 am

I need to upgrade my version of ShopSite, and also migrate to a new server. I was told that the usual way of doing this is to upgrade the version on the "old" server first, which I have done successfully. The next step is to install the new version on the "new" server, using the new server's ip in the "hosts" file. My browser now points to the "new" server, I can tell because the website design there is totally different than on the "old" server.

My problem is, when I try navigating to the cgi-bin/install/wwwinstall.cgi file on the "new" server, I get a "404 Page Not Found" error. No matter what I do - I have even gone into the cpanel - File Manager - navigate to the wwwinstall.cgi file (which is really there) and click on the URL link to the file, the browser comes up with the "404" error. This must be due to the wwwinstall.cgi file containing a symbolic link that is not working, or something like that.

How can I get around this problem?

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Joined: Sun Nov 19, 2006 1:33 am
Location: New Mexico

Postby Jim » Sun Nov 19, 2006 6:42 pm

A 404 error is generally the result of a file not being found. This would indicate that your webserver is probably not configured to access or execute files from that directory.

Make sure your web server is configured properly and that the install directory has correct permissions to allow the web server to execute files in that directory. Install instructions can be found at
http://www.shopsite.com/help/8.1/en-US/ ... stall.html

There is a file called testmm.cgi that is included with the wwwinstall.cgi and the tar file in the installation zip file. Try executing it with the same url path you would use for wwwinstall.cgi. If that won't run either then your webserver is not setup correctly. It give some information about the server and is basically just to verify that you can execute a program.

If you ftp-d the individual files to the server (instead of the zip file) make sure that you did the wwwinstall.cgi in binary mode since it is a compiled program. (some ftp clients think .cgi files are perl scripts so they transfer them in ascii mode.)
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Postby spock9458 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:56 pm

THANKS, Jim... It was the permissions after all. Turns out I had "over-permitted" the cgi-bin and the install directories. I changed them back to 755 and all is well! Thanks again!
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Location: New Mexico

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