Using shipping address to set tax and shipping defaults

General ShopSite user discussion

Using shipping address to set tax and shipping defaults

Postby dwelsh » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:39 am


My customers are having difficulty using the shopping cart. Many do not speak English as their native language. This is costing me sales.

Is there any way my cart can be customized to capture the shipping address first?

Two things depend on shipping address:

1) sales tax status

2) shipping method

Most of my customers live outside California, and many live outside the USA. They have to make a tax status selection and a shipping selection and then hit the recalculate button. Many make incorrect choices or leave these settings on incorrect defaults. I can't tell how many give up and abandon their orders.

If the shopping cart had three sets of defaults for these selections that would solve 99% of the problems:

1) Ship within California
2) Ship outside California within USA
3) Ship outside USA

Can anyone help with this?

Dave Welsh
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:21 am

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