Variable Name Question

General ShopSite user discussion

Variable Name Question

Postby Jim Hastey » Wed Oct 18, 2006 10:24 pm

Does anyone know if there is a maximum number of characters, or lines, or line length to the Product Name field in ShopSite Pro? The Product Upload Fields help section lists the Field Type as Short Text which would imply limits.

The Variable Name feature in ShopSite Pro would satisfy a need we have to create custom products with really, really long names on-the-run, but only if the above limits (if any) aren't too low. We currently have Manager and would upgrade to Pro if there were No Limits.
Jim Hastey
Dad's Cookie Company
Jim Hastey
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:35 pm

Postby Jim » Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:32 pm

Although I believe there is no internal database limit for a product name there appears to be a limit of about 250 characters during the ordering process if using a Variable name product.. I don't know if this limit is because of the url used in submitting the Add to cart or if it is truncated when it gets put in the cart. So you would only be able to have a maximum name of about 250 characters. Also since the input field is a single line and html does not recognize carriage return characters you would not see the name broken on separate lines if returns are entered.
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Postby Jim Hastey » Thu Oct 19, 2006 11:52 pm

Jim - Thanks for the quick reply. That pretty well confirms I cannot do what I had in mind.

I had tried a longer name than that (~40 lines of 20 characters, with a <br> at the end of each, all in one continuous string). ShopSite Manager 7.1 accepted the string but when the product was added to the cart, the name field only displayed a zero (0).

We were wanting to create a "Grab Bag" by allowing customers to add several items (using an external script) to a single SKU, listing all the items in the variable name, generating a price & shipping cost in the script, then pass the total price to ShopSite via the variable price.

This was an attempt to work around the absence of weights in Ordering Options. If weights were supported, ShopSite could calculate correct shipping costs for separate products in the cart which would solve our need elegantly without having to try off-the-wall work-arounds.
Jim Hastey
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 9:35 pm

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