Option for WYSIWYG Editor in back office

General ShopSite user discussion

Option for WYSIWYG Editor in back office

Postby beley » Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:11 am

There are some decent open source solutions, or you could provide an upgrade/add-on that we could pay for if you chose a commercially licensed editor. One I really like is XStandard but licensing is a bit expensive. There are a ton of others though, including TinyMCE and FCKEditor.

I know not everyone wants an HTML editor but I'd kill to have a SIMPLE one (bold, bulleted lists, center, insert image tag, etc) and if it was integrated with the ShopSite media directory it would be even better. My clients' number one complaint is having to learn basic HTML.

I think it should be an option in store prefs... use WYSIWYG or not. If checked, the textarea blocks for most fields (like product description, page text, product fields, etc) would be WYSIWYG fields.

Brandon Eley
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Postby Wezza007 » Thu Oct 19, 2006 4:45 am

I totally agree Beley! I tried out a number of other shopping carts before deciding on Shopsite, and the fact that Shopsite doesn't have this was the major deterent that kept me looking elsewhere so long. I have no problem with HTML, but I'd like other staff members to use the shopping cart and it's difficult for them to learn HTML.

Lexiconn is a company which hosts Shopsite websites and they have integrated a WYSIWYG editor into shopsite, however you need to type what you want in it, then 'cut' the HTML and paste it into the field that you want to put it in, so it's not much different to using dreamweaver or frontpage on your computer.

There was not a single other shopping cart that I tried that didn't have a WYSIWYG editor in it, so I believe Shopsite is a little bit behind its competition here.

Luckily it's such a good shopping cart in all other areas (I still think it needs product reviews too though)!!!!
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Postby ShopSite David » Tue Oct 14, 2008 10:53 am

An HTML Editor was added in ShopSite v10.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
ShopSite David
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