New error when publishing

General ShopSite user discussion

New error when publishing

Postby Webmaster - Dave's Discou » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:13 pm

SS Pro 8.0.2, Solaris-sparc:

No changes made to server or permissions of any kind lately, plenty of disk

Today, getting a new error when trying to publish:


Could not open database file /usr/local/etc/httpd/data/pages.db.

Please check the following items:

1) the path to the file is correct, and the file exists;
2) you have the proper permissions (rights) to access the file;
3) the Web server has permissions (rights) to create a lock file in the same

The file exists, permissions are OK, etc.

Any ideas?
Webmaster - Dave's Discou

Re: New error when publishing

Postby Webmaster - Dave's Discou » Fri Apr 07, 2006 2:19 pm

Managed to find a solution: tried KB article S03847 but it didn't work.

Then, tried compacting and backing up all databases, and then attempted to
regenerate, and it did so successfully.
Is there a KB article addressing this issue? I couldn't find one.

"Webmaster - Dave's Discount Motors" <> wrote in
message news:e16km5$6n3$
SS Pro 8.0.2, Solaris-sparc:

No changes made to server or permissions of any kind lately, plenty of
disk space.

Today, getting a new error when trying to publish:


Could not open database file /usr/local/etc/httpd/data/pages.db.

Please check the following items:

1) the path to the file is correct, and the file exists;
2) you have the proper permissions (rights) to access the file;
3) the Web server has permissions (rights) to create a lock file in the
same directory.

The file exists, permissions are OK, etc.

Any ideas?

Webmaster - Dave's Discou

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