cift certificates

General ShopSite user discussion

cift certificates

Postby Ellen » Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:17 am

I am using Shopsite 7. I have the gift certificate feature on and the form
on the certificate page offers the option to purchase more than one
certificate for more than one recipient, as long as you put in the same # of
email addresses. The problem is that the presented to and message is only
for one, or the same for both! How can you put in additional presented to
and messages for each recipient.
Also, if one wanted to sent 2 certificates to one recipient, you must put in
their email twice because an error message pops up saying the # of
certificates ordered doesn't match the # of emails. Anyway around these

Ellen Rothwax
Web Design & Developer

Re: cift certificates

Postby jim » Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:01 pm

There is only the one message field so it would be on all emails. The
best way to work around this is to limit the number of gift certificates
that can be purchased on a single page to one that way they could
personalize a message for each individual receiving a certificate. They
would still be able to purchase additional certificates by going back to
the page and filling in the information for each additional certificate.
(I think most large web stores such as Amazon only allow one certificate
to be purchased at a time so this shouldn't be a big issue.)


Ellen wrote:
I am using Shopsite 7. I have the gift certificate feature on and the form
on the certificate page offers the option to purchase more than one
certificate for more than one recipient, as long as you put in the same # of
email addresses. The problem is that the presented to and message is only
for one, or the same for both! How can you put in additional presented to
and messages for each recipient.
Also, if one wanted to sent 2 certificates to one recipient, you must put in
their email twice because an error message pops up saying the # of
certificates ordered doesn't match the # of emails. Anyway around these

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