Hi Jim,
see answers below.
"jim" <beeutahful@gmail.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:
Hi all,
there is a bug in the shipping by weight functionality of SS Pro 8.0.1.
I am on EU settings with "," as decimal separator.
I am using the columns for different countries and have the prices for
the different weights in the rows. I have about 40 different countries
with spare (not used) columns in between in case I want to add some new
country (I do not want to manually move ALL countries just to add another
one alphabetically at the reight place. All works as expected, UNTIL I do
add a column where the shipping is set to "0,00" in the complete row (for
store pickup in this case).
When I do this and then add a product to the shopping cart, the first
shipping option displayed is reading something like "0.000040,60: 0,00"
whereas 40,60 is the value for shipping of the LAST displayed option. All
other values are correct. Nevertheless if I am trying to delete the cart,
there is a shopsite error message explaning that something is wrong with
my shipping options (heyhey, how smart) and if I do reload the page I get
an Server Error 500. As soon as I uncheck the column with "0,00" values,
everything works normal again.
TIA for looking into this & regards from Germany,
I can't duplicate this problem. Can you give us more details?
How many of the 40 columns are you using?
=> I am using the first of the 10 "build-in" columns and have added another
60 columns.
Have you skipped every other one or just left one empty here and there?
=> I have left one or two empty here and there.
How many rows of data are you using?
=> I am really using 14 rows, but displayed are always 20, as shopsite does
not accept a row value below 20. So the last 6 rows all have 0,00 set.
Do each of the columns have data in the same number of rows?
=> Yup. Data in all 14 rows.
Is the column that is causing the problem one of the first 10 or in the
last 30 (they are kept in different files)?
=> I have tried it both ways, does not make a difference. Both ways it
produces the error.
Does this problem happen if you move the data from the column currently
having the problem to another one?
=> Have done so by changing the column title and enabling the [x] checkbox.
I cannot move any data, as the rows have already the 0,00 set.
What names are used for the shipping options, i.e. are there umlauted or
accented characters in the name?
=> Yup. I have Umlaute, but these columns work fine (since ever) and the
Pick Up Option "Selbstabholer Lager Berlin" does not have any special
characters in it.
What sort order is set for the shipping options?
=> None, as I want the options (countries) to be displayed alphabetically as
I have entered them.
Default shipping option is set to "First Displayed Option" and Shipping
Service Display Order is set to "Services in this order:" 1. Shopsite, 2
UPS, 3 Custom Shipping Add-on
In the shopping cart do you have the options as a pulldown box or as radio
=> Pull-down