Add-to-cart ends up on the store page (should go back to the

General ShopSite user discussion

Add-to-cart ends up on the store page (should go back to the

Postby Don Lundell » Thu Sep 15, 2005 6:23 pm

I have a friend who adds a product to his shopping cart, and
ends up on the store's front page, instead of staying on the
product page. Also, if he goes to the shopping cart from a
product page, and clicks Continue Shopping, it goes to the
store front page instead of back to the product page.

I've got the same basic configuration as he does: XP, Opera 8.02,
javascript enabled. Mine works, his doesn't.

Any ideas?


- dc
Don Lundell

Re: Add-to-cart ends up on the store page (should go back to

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:12 pm

He probably has a 'privacy' program on his computer (perhaps as part of
an anti-virus, anti-spyware, or personal firewall package) that is
blocking the HTTP_REFERER variable that is the way a web application can
determine what page a shopper came from before they reached the current
page, so the only alternative is to send him back to the storefront page
(in recent ShopSite versions, you can set what this default return page
is by changing the MyStore URL in Preferences -> Hosting Service). See
the following kbase article: ... nID=S05432

Note that the symantec link on the ShopSite kbase doesn't work anymore,
but this is because symantec keeps changing their URLs. Anyway, the
bottom line here is that each of the programs that do this kind of thing
has their own way to disable the blocking of this normal browser
environment variable (which isn't really a big privacy concern at all as
far as I can see). And since you as a merchant can't control whether or
not a shopper has something like this on their computer, it would be a
good idea to have good navigation on that default landing page so that
when the shoppers are sent back there they can continue shopping from
there easily.


Don Lundell wrote:
I have a friend who adds a product to his shopping cart, and
ends up on the store's front page, instead of staying on the
product page. Also, if he goes to the shopping cart from a
product page, and clicks Continue Shopping, it goes to the
store front page instead of back to the product page.

I've got the same basic configuration as he does: XP, Opera 8.02,
javascript enabled. Mine works, his doesn't.

Any ideas?


- dc
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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:02 pm
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