Multiple Shipping Addresses

General ShopSite user discussion

Multiple Shipping Addresses

Postby Lorrie Todd » Mon Aug 15, 2005 11:30 am

Since the holidays will be upon us before we know it - several of my clients
would like to be able to offer multiple ship-to addresses with their orders.
Now the customer has to place multiple orders to ship products to several
people for gift giving.

Has anyone figured out how to send orders to multiple shipping addresses
within one order? If so, please share your success.

Do you or your clients have this need? If so, we need to "join forces" and
request that this feature be moved up the Shopsite "to-do" list and
implemented in a near future release. Comments?

PageCafe Internet Consulting, Inc.
Lorrie Todd

Re: Multiple Shipping Addresses

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:21 pm

Multiple Shipping Addresses by itself is probably not that big of a
deal. You could probably even do some interesting things with JavaScript
and the Custom Checkout Fields feature of ShopSite Pro to collect
addresses for each product yourself.

The complex part, that I do not know of a workaround for, is figuring
shipping and tax based on multiple addresses.


Lorrie Todd wrote:
Since the holidays will be upon us before we know it - several of my clients
would like to be able to offer multiple ship-to addresses with their orders.
Now the customer has to place multiple orders to ship products to several
people for gift giving.

Has anyone figured out how to send orders to multiple shipping addresses
within one order? If so, please share your success.

Do you or your clients have this need? If so, we need to "join forces" and
request that this feature be moved up the Shopsite "to-do" list and
implemented in a near future release. Comments?

PageCafe Internet Consulting, Inc.

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multiple shipping addresess - calculate shipping by product

Postby CRae » Sun Oct 19, 2008 2:07 pm

Hi Loren or Lorrie,

I know I'm replying to an old post -- but has anyone figured out a work-around for shipping to gift recipients (ie. one shipping address per product) and having the UPS module calculate shipping for each product? I have a gift basket business and most of my local clients will be sending several gift baskets to several clients. I don't want to have a fixed shipping price per product -- because I've gotten bitten on shipping expenses before.

I'd appreciate any help on this -- I figured out how to add one shipping address per product -- but I need the UPS module to calculate shipping for each product based on weight/dimensions.


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Postby loren_d_c » Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:24 pm

If you configure dimensions for a product, then shipping will be calculated as if that product were to be shipped in its own box, separate from the rest of the order.

However, the shipping cost of all boxes in the order will still be calculated based on the same destination, i.e. the main country and postal code selected by the shopper. It will not take into account any of the extra addresses you may have added to the products or shopping cart screen somehow.

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shipping to multiple addresses

Postby CRae » Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:42 pm

Thanks for the reply -- I think that this is something shopsite should consider adding to their standard template functionality.

For now, I just have a quirky and annoying work-around in the shopping cart. Where they can order and send gifts to many addresses in one order, however then I will just have to invoice them for the shipping costs.

If anyone would like to check it out - incase they are in the same situation, my web address is:

I am definitely thinking I am going to have to spend the time to create my own custom templates for everything, since my website looks very sloppy right now -- especially with this multiple shipping situation.

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