module for additional product images?

General ShopSite user discussion

module for additional product images?

Postby Rodney Blackwell » Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:27 pm

I'd like to be able to have a page with additional product photos that I can
link to from the moreinfo page for each product.

For example, for some of my shirts, I have model photos and customer
submitted photos that can help sell the item and give better views of the

So on the moreinfo page I'd like to create a link like "More Product Photos"
or "See More Pictures of this Shirt" and link it to a page with some photos
I upload.

I was wondering how other shopsite merchants have handled additional product
photos and angles.

Is there a pre-written shopsite module that will handle the
organization/layout of the extra images, or would it be something I would
just need to create a custom HTML page for?

Thanks for the help!

Rodney Blackwell

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