Hello fellow Shopsite users,
Our business model, requires that Every Customer choses a SHRINE where we
would later send 10% of their generated sales as a Charity Donation.
I managed to modify the cr_default, so that I display a question as to the
Shrine, and then, the customer presses the ARROW key of a Box, that displays
ALL Shrines available, where we can select one.
It is NOT CLEAR to me, however, a way to SAVE this information, so that,
later on, a customer may change his/her SHRINE to a different one.
I would also like to Create a Report, every month, as to How Much Business
each SHRINE generates, in order to send them a check of 10% of the Sales.
At this point, I would like to know what further mods do I need to apply to
What follows is a copy of the modified version of cr_default and my
modification is clearly marked (My question is HOW DO I SAVE THIS INFO WHERE
### Registration and Sign In ###
### New Customer Registration Page ###
[-- DEFINE New_Registration --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- VAR.Title STORE.NewRegistration --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<table align="center" cellspacing="10">
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Name --]
<td align="left">
What is your Shrine? <font color=blue>*</font>
<select name="Shrine_ID">
<option value="None">None</option>
<option value="Mahi">Mahi</option>
<option value="Egypt">Egypt</option>
<option value="Bahia">Bahia</option>
<option value="Amara">Amara</option>
<option value="Fez">Fez</option>
<option value="Alohomora">Alohomora</option>
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email_Password --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Challenge --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_email_type --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Save_Payment --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE New_Registration --]
### Registered Customer Sign-In Page ###
[-- DEFINE Sign_In --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SignIn --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.UseSignInEmail --]</p>
[-- CR_Signin_Email_Password --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON SignIn --] [-- BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_In --]
### Sign Out "Are you sure?" Page ###
[-- DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SignOutConfirmation --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.SignOut? --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --] [-- BUTTON No --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Sign_Out_Confirmation --]
### Customer Account ###
### Main View/Edit Page with Buttons ###
[-- DEFINE View_Edit --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.AccountInformation --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<div class="cust_name">[-- CR_CUSTOMER_NAME --]</div>
<p>[-- STORE.ViewInformation --]</p>
<table class="view_edit">
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Orders --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Preferences --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON ShipTo --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Payment --]</td>
<td class="view_edit">[-- BUTTON Password --]</td>
<td class="view_edit"> </td>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE View_Edit --]
### Preferences Page ###
[-- DEFINE Preferences --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.Preferences --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<table align="center" cellspacing="10" width="600">
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email --]
<td align="left">
[-- STORE.EmailSecurity --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Name --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Email_Type --]
<td align="left">
[-- CR_Save_Payment --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Preferences --]
### Change Password ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditPassword --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
[-- CR_Edit_Password --]
<p>[-- BUTTON Change_Password --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
<h2>[-- STORE.ChallengeQuestion --]</h2>
<p>[-- STORE.ChangeChallengeText --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Password --]
### Change Challenge Phrase ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Challenge --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditChallenge --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.EditChallengeText --]</p>
[-- CR_Edit_Challenge --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Change_Challenge --] [-- BUTTON
Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Challenge --]
### Set Password ###
[-- DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.SetAnswerPassword --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p><b>[-- STORE.EnterNewPassword --]</b></p>
[-- CR_Password --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Set_Answer_Password --]
### Payment Accounts ###
### List of Payment Accounts ###
[-- DEFINE Payment_Accounts --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.PaymentAccounts --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.PaymentText --]</p>
<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Payment_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON Edit --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]
<p>[-- STORE.PaymentAdd --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Payment_Accounts --]
### Edit One Payment Account ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditPaymentAccount --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<table width="470">
<td align="center"><b>[-- STORE.DisplayName --]:</b> [--
CR_DisplayName --]</td>
<td>[-- STORE.EditPaymentText --]</td>
<h2>[-- STORE.EditPaymentInformation --]</h2>
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Info --]
<h2>[-- STORE.EditPaymentBilling --]</h2>
[-- CR_Edit_Payment_Address --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Payment_Account --]
### Delete Payment Account ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeletePaymentAccount --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.DeletePaymentText --]</p>
<p><b>[-- CR_Delete_Payment --]</b></p>
<p>[-- STORE.DeletePaymentNote --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --] [-- BUTTON No --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Payment_Account --]
### Orders ###
### List of Orders ###
[-- DEFINE Orders --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.Orders --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.OrdersText --]</p>
<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Order_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON View --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]</td>
<p>[-- STORE.OrdersNote --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Orders --]
### View Order ###
[-- DEFINE View_Order --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ViewOrder --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<table cellspacing="10" style="border: thin black solid">
<td align="left"><b>[-- STORE.SC_OrderNumber --] [--
CR_OrderNum --]</b></td>
<td align="right"><b>[-- CR_OrderDate --]</b></td>
<td colspan="2">
[-- CR_Cart --]
<td colspan="2">
[-- CR_Totals --]
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr width="90%"></td></tr>
<td colspan="2">
<td align="center" colspan="2">
<td align="left" valign="top">[-- CR_BillTo_Addr --]</td>
<td width="40px"> </td>
<td align="left" valign="top">[-- CR_ShipTo_Addr --]</td>
<tr><td colspan="2"><hr width="90%"></td></tr>
<td colspan="2" align="center">
[-- CR_Payment_Info --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE View_Order --]
### Delete Order ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Order --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeleteOrder --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.DeleteOrderText --]</p>
[-- CR_Delete_Order_List --]
<p>[-- STORE.OrdersNote --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --] [-- BUTTON No --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Order --]
### Shipping Addresses ###
### List of Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Shipping_Options --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ShippingOptions --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsText --]</p>
<table cellspacing="10">
<td>[-- CR_Shipping_List --]</td>
<td>[-- BUTTON Edit --]
<br>[-- BUTTON Delete --]</td>
<p>[-- STORE.ShippingOptionsNote --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Done --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Shipping_Options --]
### Edit Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Edit_Shipping --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.EditShipping --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<table width="470">
<td align="center"><b>[-- STORE.DisplayName --]:</b> [--
CR_Ship_DisplayName --]</td>
<td align="center">[-- STORE.EditShippingText --]</td>
<h2>[-- STORE.SC_ShippingAddress --]</h2>
[-- CR_Edit_Shipping_Address --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Save --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Edit_Shipping --]
### Delete Shipping Addresses ###
[-- DEFINE Delete_Shipping --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.DeleteShipping --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.DeleteShippingText --]</p>
<p><b>[-- CR_Delete_Shipping --]</b></p>
<p>[-- STORE.DeleteShippingNote --]</p>
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Yes --] [-- BUTTON No --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Delete_Shipping --]
### Forgot Password ###
### Forgot Password Page ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title Store.ForgotPassword --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.RequestPassword --]</p>
[-- CR_Email --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password --]
### Forgot Password "E-mail has been sent" Page ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ForgotEmailSent --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- STORE.SentPasswordEmail --]</p>
<p align="center">[--BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Email_Sent --]
### Reset Password Page (requires answer to Challenge question) ###
[-- DEFINE Get_Answer --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.GetAnswer --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p>[-- CR_Email_Name --]</p>
<p>[-- STORE.ResetPassword --]</p>
[-- CR_ChallengeQuestion --]
<p align="center">[-- BUTTON Submit --] [-- BUTTON Cancel --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE Get_Answer --]
### Error Messages ###
### Error Message Screen ###
[-- DEFINE CR_Error --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
[-- Var.title STORE.ErrorMessages --]
[-- INCLUDE crHeader PROCESS --]
<p align="center">[--BUTTON BackToCart --]</p>
[-- INCLUDE crFooter PROCESS --]
[-- END_DEFINE CR_Error --]
### E-Mail Messages ###
### E-Mail Message for Account Changes ###
[-- DEFINE Email_Account_Change --]
[-- IF CR_HTML_Email --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<style type="text/css">
table.ups_error {
td.ups_error {
vertical-align: middle;
[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] [-- STORE.Name --]
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --]
[-- ELSE --]
[-- STORE.EmailAccountChangeText --] [-- STORE.Name --]
[-- CR_ShopSiteMessages --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Account_Change --]
### E-mail saying that address has changed ###
[-- DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<p><b>[-- STORE.Name --]</b></p>
<p>[-- STORE.EmailAddressChangedText --]</p>
<p>[-- Store.NewSignInAddress --]: [-- CR_EMAIL_ADDRESS --]</p>
<p>[-- Store.URL --] <a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- MyStoreURL --]</a></p>
[-- END_DEFINE Email_Address_Changed --]
### E-mail for Forgotten Password ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<p>[-- STORE.EmailClickLink --]</p>
<p><b>[-- STORE.Name --]</b></p>
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_Email --]
### Email If Forgot Password by Address is Not A Registered Customer ###
[-- DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<p>[-- STORE.NotRegisteredEmail --]</p>
[-- IF Store.Name --]
<p><b><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- STORE.Name --]</a></b></p>
[-- ELSE --]
<p><b><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]">[-- MyStoreURL --]</a></b></p>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_DEFINE Forgot_Password_NoEmail --]
Luis Ramos