subscription based content

General ShopSite user discussion

subscription based content

Postby Debbie Dean » Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:40 am

Can shopsite be utilized for subscription based content, if show how?
Debbie Dean

Re: subscription based content

Postby jim » Mon Apr 18, 2005 8:17 pm

Debbie Dean wrote:
Can shopsite be utilized for subscription based content, if show how?

What do you mean by "subscription based content"?

If you mean repeated billing for a product on a regular bases, that is
not handled by ShopSite but can be handled by at least one of the
payment gateways that ShopSite interfaces with. When an order is placed
for something that requires regular payments you would go to the payment
gateway and set up a recurring transaction. Verisign is one gateway
that supports recurring transactions. You can find more details on
their website at: ... index.html


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