Coupon question

General ShopSite user discussion

Coupon question

Postby Phil Spinelli » Wed Feb 02, 2005 11:05 am

I would like to send a shopsite coupon to 1,000 people.
But I want to make it so each person can only use coupon for one order.
(one use per person)
Is this possible.

Or would I have to make 1000 shopsite coupon.

Phil Spinelli

Re: Coupon question

Postby David H. » Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:34 pm

There is no mechanism to restict a coupon to one use for a set of shoppers.
You can have a one-time use coupon but in the situation you mention you
would need to create 1,000 instances of this coupon and that is probably not
what you want to do.

-David H.

"Phil Spinelli" <> wrote in message
I would like to send a shopsite coupon to 1,000 people.
But I want to make it so each person can only use coupon for one order.
(one use per person)
Is this possible.

Or would I have to make 1000 shopsite coupon.


David H.

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