Thank You email not always sent

General ShopSite user discussion

Thank You email not always sent

Postby robert » Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:51 am

We seem to get quite a few people who never receive our "ThankYou" email. It is triggered in our template after the order is completed with "[-- DEFINE ThankYou_Email --]"

I don't know the percentage of times it fails on average, but I am sure that it does fail sometimes. I even did a test order and never got the email afterwards (not in spam either). Any suggestions on how to start troubleshooting this would be helpful since I don't have access to the functions that handle the ShopSite emails.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:35 am

Re: Thank You email not always sent

Postby cyoung » Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:51 am


It is likely a DMARC issue.

Most of the major email providers like Yahoo and AOL changed their DNS to include a signature that tells other mail servers an email from their domain is valid. This signature, also known as a DMARC record, is only included on emails originating from Yahoo and AOL servers. An order notification email originates on the server your store is hosted on and therefore does not contain the required signature. Email providers like GMail (or any other mail server/service that pays attention to DMARC records) will see your hosting account as the origin for these Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, GMail, and other customer email addresses and subsequently block these emails from being delivered to your inbox.

There are 2 email settings you can change to have the emails say that they originate from your hosts server. They are located in ShopSite under Commerce> Order System> Email>
Store's From e-mail address
E-mail address to use as From address on merchant e-mail notifications

Here is the link to our knowledge base article on the subject.

If this doesn't resolve the issue please contact ShopSite support here
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Joined: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:01 am

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