Paginated Navigation is not hyperlinked

General ShopSite user discussion

Paginated Navigation is not hyperlinked

Postby ecomshopsite » Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:05 pm

I am having an issue with the pagination on the BB template. For some reason the pagination and hyperlinks were completely missing.

I used the custom tag from the template cookbook to get the words to show up. Any suggestions on how I modify the code so people can get to the second page of products?

Here is an example See at the bottom of the products it says.
"Page1 of 2FIRST PAGE"

I wonder if perhaps this is the wrong pagination code, that is meant to be used in meta tags or something.

New Pagination Tags
[-- IF PAGE.PaginatedPageNum NE 0 --]
Page[-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNum --] of [-- PAGE.PaginatedPageNumMax --]
[-- IF PAGE.PaginatedPageNum EQ PAGE.PaginatedPageNumMax --]
[-- ELSE_IF PAGE.PaginatedPageNum EQ 1 --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]"
Lucy Ross – Business Growth Hacker |
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Re: Paginated Navigation is not hyperlinked

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Aug 07, 2017 3:02 pm

That looks more like something you might use in a title tag just for labeling purposes. The actual navigation links between paginated pages would have to include the [-- PrevNext --] tag. The ShopSite default page template you are using actually has that tag twice:

[-- IF PAGE.ProductsPerPage GT 0 --][-- IF PAGE.NumProducts GT PAGE.ProductsPerPage --]<div id="paginationtop" class="pagination clearafter [-- IF VAR.PageAlign "center" --][-- VAR.PageAlign --][-- ELSE --]right[-- END_IF --]"><div class="paginationin">[-- PrevNext nocenter --]</div></div>[-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]

[-- IF PAGE.ProductsPerPage GT 0 --][-- IF PAGE.NumProducts GT PAGE.ProductsPerPage --]<div id="paginationbottom" class="pagination clearafter [-- IF VAR.PageAlign "center" --][-- VAR.PageAlign --][-- ELSE --]right[-- END_IF --]"><div class="paginationin">[-- PrevNext nocenter --]</div></div>[-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]

Which explains why I see the links between page 1 and 2 both above and below the products on your example page.

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