spacing for linking

General ShopSite user discussion

spacing for linking

Postby gracefuli » Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:21 pm

Hi- on my home page i have a number of pictures with links to other pages. (ie shirts; pants; socks; shoes...) 16 actually. i am using the bb-nosidemenus.sst template. after a number of these links/pics it wraps down and begins another row. Great- except these next rows are too close to the line above. how do i get them to have a bit more space between rows? i know i can set up a table and choose cell spacing and padding, but that then voids the responsive design features and requires scrolling or items get cut off. is there a way to get a bit more spacing?
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Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:27 pm

Re: spacing for linking

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:56 pm

If you are using the 'assign items' feature and assigning page links or products and want more space between the rows, you could add the following code anywhere that would appear on the page (if only on one page, you can add it into one of the page text fields, if on multiple pages you can add it into the header, footer, store text A, store text B, etc).

Code: Select all
<style type="text/css">, {margin-top: 30px !important;}</style>

If you are manually adding the items in one of the text fields, could you provide me with the URL to the page so I can see how you currently have the code setup?
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
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ShopSite Lauren
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