Can I add an "Under Minimum Order" Fee?

General ShopSite user discussion

Can I add an "Under Minimum Order" Fee?

Postby TheDigitalMan » Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:11 pm

I'm selling widgets custom imprinted with your logo. Normally I expect you to buy a minimum of 12 dozen or more. But if you wish to order less then 12 dozen I will let you for an added fee of $50. How can I get that fee to show up when they order LESS then the minimum quantity? Also some of my widgets can only be ordered in multiples of 12 while others can be ordered in multiples of 6 and yet others in multiples of 1. The minimum of 12 dozen can vary as well from one widget to the next.

Do I set up the QUANTITY PRICING RANGES grid and populate it with 1 Dozen, 2 Dozen, 3 Dozen, ... ending with 12 Dozen or more?

Actually it might make more sense to define the multiple on the page and multiply what they enter by it. i.e. if they enter 24 I could multiply it by 12 and indicate that they are getting 24 dozen (288)?

I am a complete newbie. I think if I could get pointed in the right direction I might be O.K. I'm wide open to advice.

Thank you so much in advance for any helpful pointers or direction.

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Location: North Georgia

Re: Can I add an "Under Minimum Order" Fee?

Postby ShopSite David » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:34 pm

Create a Product for each widget that indicates they come in multiples of 6 (or 12.) Then if they order 2 "packages" of the 6 they will be getting 12 widgets. Similar to ordering a package of 12 eggs or 18 eggs.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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